12/6 - 12/8

Soda Can Calorimeter - Energy Content of Food

Calories - a measure of Energy (1kcal) - 1kcal = 1000 calories ; 1Calorie = 1000^calories

Q = mc∆T

Q = heat energy 
m = mass
c - specific heat or heat capacity
∆ - change T - temperature = T(final) - T(initial)

Water specific heat = 1cal/gºC this means it takes water 1 calorie of energy for one gram to rise by 1ºC

Objective - Students burn different types of food using a soda can calorimeter to illustrate the First Law of Thermodynamics and to determine the relationship and topic of conservation of energy through calorimetry.

Icy Hot Lab 11/28 - 11/29

Objective - Students, create and develop a table and graph of their findings in order to determine the relationships of states of matter and their phase changes.


Gas Pressure & Temperature Lab 11/5- 11/9

Students took measurements using a device that connects to their laptops to see the impact of varying temperatures on Gas Pressure

**Students noted by their graphs that as the temperature increased, the pressure also increased**

Gas Pressure & Particle/"Puff" Lab:  11/1 - 11/3

Students took measurements using a device that connected to their laptops to see the impact of varying amounts of Particles on Gas Pressure.

** They noted that as the number of Particles increased, so did the Pressure**

Gas Pressure & Volume Lab:  10/28 - 10/31

Students took measurements using a device that connected to their laptops to see the impact of Volume on Gas Pressure. (HINT - graph illustrates Exponential Decay or Inverse Relationship)

Relationship between Pressure and Volume  = When Pressure goes up, Volume goes down
                                                                           when Pressure goes down, Volume goes up

P x 1/V   (Pressure is proportional to 1 / Volume)


DENSITY OF GAS LAB: 09/30 - 10/03

Students use alka seltzer, water, a triple beam balance, and rubber tubbing and a balance to try to determine what the density of gas is ...

Students determined through their lab that CO2 has a density of .002 g/mL, and that water is 500 times more dense than CO2

MASS, VOLUME, & DENSITY LAB: 09/22 - 09/26

Students used similar objects - one made of Aluminum and another made of PVC and found the mass and volume of each of these objects; after charting the data and creating trend lines; students were able to determine the density of the objects as well...

Density = mass/volume

Density is found by finding slope in a mass and volume graph.  Aluminum's slope was 2.7 so its density is 2.7 g/cm3.  PVC has a slope of 1.3 so its density is 1.3 g/cm3.

Student's also learned that they could use their Density formula to find both mass & volume as well:

Volume = mass/density
Mass = volume(density)


               Students used objects and measured their volume with graduated cylinders and calculated  
               their volumes using formulas to discover if their was a correlation between mL & cm^3.

CHANGE IN MASS LAB 08/31 - 09/02:

Students weigh 5 different substances & make a change to see if the mass changes.
Alka Seltzer Disolved in Water
Steel Wool Caught on Fire

1. Melt an Ice Cube
2. Pull apart Steel Wool
3. Dissolve Sugar
4. Dissolve Alka Seltzer
5. Burn Steel Wool
6. Mix 2 chemicals

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